Member for Gregory, Lachlan Millar, has been shocked at comments from the Queensland Health Minister today on ABC Western Queensland.
While discussing a number of health issues facing Western Queenslanders, the ABC reporter put the question to the Minister of when Western Queenslanders will receive this vital service.
“Shocking, the Minister announced that it is “Never going to be possible, that is the case now for dialysis”” Mr Millar said.
“I have been pushing for a renal dialysis unit for both Emerald and Longreach for over a year now, and to have the Minister say that nothing is planned is a kick in the guts.
“There are many Central West and Central Highland residents who have moved to Rockhampton or Townsville for their treatment, as the tyranny of distance is too much to bare.
“The Minister has come to Western Queensland to sell the Government’s Budget, but Western Queenslanders aren’t buying it.
“Rural Queenslanders have been crying out for better, local health services. Sadly, the recently handed down State Budget provided no new money for services in the Central West or Central Highlands.
“The hypocrisy is disgusting, with the Government finding $45 million for a bicycle path in Brisbane, but can’t find the money to provide basic health services to my constituents in the Central West.
“It just shows this Government is governing for Brisbane and totally ignoring Regional Queensland” Mr Millar said.