Member Secures Farm Debt Reconstruction Office

The LNP has delivered milestone changes that will help struggling farmers facing debt with key amendments to see the introduction of a new Farm Debt Restructure Office in Queensland.

The LNP has worked tirelessly to provide a framework that would establish a new office to tackle farm debt head-on under the existing authority of QRIDA.

I am committed to delivering for graziers who are copping it tough and by fighting hard to have amendments to the Farm Debt Bill I believe we have set up a framework that will finally start supporting farmers and graziers who need our help – particularly in Western Queensland where they has been continual failed wet seasons and little or no cash flow to service debt.

Everywhere I go I hear about the lack of professional debt restructuring services and the lack of suitable loans available to graziers and I believe the LNP changes to the Farm Debt Mediation bill will help rectify these issues.

I recognise the need to find ways to work harmoniously with the government of the day to ensure that my constituents, the people of Gregory and those of Western Queensland are assisted and supported.

The fact is that the Member for Mt Isa’s Rural and Regional Adjustment Amendment Bill lacked stakeholder support and was not going to pass. As a country member and someone with a long history in agriculture, I acknowledge how important it is to ensure that we got something passed that would assist and support our agricultural communities. To ensure people in desperate situations finally get some real and substantial assistance.